Design for Six Sigma Projects

Set the course for best products and processes in the design phase!


Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Projects follow a linear, phased process. It does not matter whether the development is a

  • re-design of processes and products or
  • new design of processes and products.

Within the framework of a product development process or a Q-gate process, many tasks arise that are processed by suitable project teams. The variety of tasks can be divided into five phases:

  1. Definition of the task, objective, scheduling
  2. Identifying customers and their requirements
  3. Creation, evaluation, selection and improvement of design concepts
  4. Realisation of the final concept and implementation until market availability
  5. Success control, lessons learnt, determination of customer acceptance

In doing so, it is important to always keep partly competing aspects in focus.

  • Best quality
  • Low manufacturing costs
  • Short delivery times
  • Low stock levels
  • High product reliability and durability
  • Low investment
  • Robust processes with consistent, high process capability
  • and much more.

Within the framework of the Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) approach, these aspects are dealt with and further developed continuously and, above all, methodically and comprehensibly. The customer is the focus! Therefore, internal and external customers are regularly involved in the course of the project.

The goals of Design for Six Sigma projects are:

  • Development of demand-oriented processes and products.
  • Compliance with the required manufacturing costs.
  • Compliance with the required deadlines.
  • Achieving the required process capabilities.
  • Greatest possible customer satisfaction with maximum company success.