Conception of our Six Sigma trainings

Learning becomes an experience

Learning means a change in experience and behavior based on individual experiences in or with the environment. In this context, the learner's level of knowledge and experience must be taken into account. For this reason, we determine the respective learning needs of the participants prior to the Six Sigma training and align our methodical-didactic approach according to their needs!

Didactic Triangle of the Six Sigma TC

The maximisation of learning success is ensured through

- participant-oriented preparation

- variation in teaching methods (methodical and didactical approach)

- practical relevance

Confucius (Chinese philosopher, 551 - 479 BC) said about learning:

"What you tell me, I forget.
What you show me, I remember.
What you make me do, I understand."

From these preliminary considerations, a didactic triangle emerges for the Six Sigma TC.

Learning Needs Assessment

The Six Sigma training levels and the training content required to reach these levels are defined by international standards (ISO 13053-1:2011 - Part 1: "DMAIC methodology" and ISO 13053-2:2011 - Part 2: "Tools and techniques") as well as by organisations that strive for a uniform standard in Six Sigma training (ESSC-D - Europäischer Six Sigma Club Deutschland e.V.). Six Sigma TC aligns the training programme with these contents!

As an ESSC-D certified company, Six Sigma TC is entitled to use the ESSC-D logo as the quality standard of the training for the participant certificates. This content is the basis for the learning needs analysis for participants and their sponsors. This approach ensures that customer needs and service match to a high percentage.

Linking Six Sigma theory with practice

Parallel to the Six Sigma training, the training participants work on their first Six Sigma project for process improvement in practice.



The methods learned in the Green Belt or Black Belt training are immediately applied in practice and the first successes coupled with aha effects are experienced! Regular review with the trainers, continuous learning and constant application in practice ensure the success of the company using Six Sigma tools!

Six Sigma - the first step .......

We would be happy to convince you of our training competence in direct dialogue!

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